1 minute read


Why, hello there!

I’ve seem to have stumbled upon an area of interest (at least for now) in the TikTok community. That area happens to be one of my favorite tools: PowerShell!

Recorded Videos

Here are some videos I’ve recorded so far:

Part 1: Introduction to the “CLIP” Command

The goal for this video was honestly to show off the CLIP command, and everything preceding it was completely ad-libbed. It turns out a lot of people were interested in seeing more!

Watch Part 1 on YouTube

Part 2: PowerShell Aliasing

In this video, I specifically cover Aliasing in PowerShell to address some comments about the verbosity of the tool.

Watch Part 2 on YouTube

Part 3: PowerShell (What is $_ ?)

In this video, we dive into the basics of PowerShell, specifically focusing on the $_ symbol. These are essential when working with objects in a pipeline, especially when processing arrays or handling errors in a try-catch block.

Watch Part 3 on YouTube

Get Involved

If you are reading this and want to see anything specifically covered within PowerShell, please feel free to leave a comment on the YouTube video. I’ll do my best to cover everything that I am familiar with and can.


P.S. I’ll eventually spend some time on proper video thumbnails. 🙂